Reparation and sealing of damaged, broken, porous concrete surfaces. We can see often worn, damaged, broken, frozen concrete floors. The condition of these surfaces is the result of faulty maintanance, excessive stress, and you can feel the signs of damages. In many cases there is not better solution than this to the problem, and this solution is the perfect rehabilitation of the floor. We can offer perfect technological solution to this problem. Our technology perfectly works on any surfaces, where the complete removal of the cover is not possible and where the cost-effectivness is an important factor.
We can remove the synthetic resin, adhesive coatings from the surface by using Klindex floor preparation tools. Our company is specialized in removing a series of covering material from the previously used, damaged concrete floors (resin coatings, spots of athesives remaining on the floor after removing tiles, varnishes, paints). In order to prepare the surface for receiving the new cover we remove the damaged cover by using a combination of concrete grinding tools developed by Klindex for DCS Klindex machines in some combination (Bush Hammer, PCD Super Skraper.). After preparing the concrete surface it will be apt for receiving your laying of your desired cover.